Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Mind readers

Women can read our minds.

Course it's simple, as Jeff Foxworthy said "Most men are thinking I'd like a beer and to see something naked"

I have a very close lady friend that has known me for many many years.

A recent conversation went:
Her: I know what you're thinking
Me: What am I thinking?
Her: You're thinking about my boobs.
Me: Right. Now what am I thinking?
Her: About wanting to have sex with me.
Me: Got me there. Now what?
Her: About wanting to have sex with that redhead over there.
Me: You should get a psychic hot line. Now what am I thinking?
Her: About wanting to have sex with me and that redhead together.
Me: This is uncanny. Now what?
Her: About wanting to have sex with me and that redhead together and we're... No, stop thinking that, it's not going to happen ever.

Yup, women can read our minds.


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